Cotswold Men’s Retreat

  • Where:
    Montreat Conference Center
  • Address:
    401 Assembly Drive, Black Mountain, NC
  • Date:
  • Time: 6 pm

Cotswold Guys – make plans to join other men from our Cotswold site the weekend of March 28th in Montreat, NC. This retreat is aimed simply at providing space to build community with other guys and process different aspects of the gospel together. Cost is $130/person. This covers lodging and meals. (If you need financial assistance, we have scholarships available.)

We’re looking forward to hearing from our speaker, Matt Avery, this year. Matt is a former Hope member who now serves as a pastor at Midtown Fellowship Church in Nashville, TN.

Space is limited so please register ASAP. You can email Mark Upton with any questions. We’re looking forward to being with y’all!