Aaron Ingle
South End Site PastorAaron Ingle, South End Site Pastor
Aaron grew up in the mountains of Western North Carolina in a small town called Weaverville. There, he spent most of his time playing sports and hanging out with family and friends. During Aaron’s high school days, he began attending Young Life where he heard the good news of the gospel in a fresh, personal way. Through this ministry, God showed Aaron his desperate need of grace and his deep love for sinners like him.
In 2008, he left home to attend Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. At Wake, Aaron walked on to the Demon Deacons basketball team and subsequently spent much of his time there in the gym. He also became heavily involved in Wake’s campus ministry Reformed University Fellowship (RUF).
Through RUF, Aaron experienced Gospel community for the first time and also met his wife and best friend, Sarah. The two got married in the spring of 2013 and began living in Winston-Salem.
While living in Winston, Aaron worked for several years in the business world before sensing the Lord’s leading for him to attend seminary. In July 2014, Aaron and Sarah moved to Charlotte for Aaron to begin his studies at RTS Charlotte. Shortly after, they began attending Hope.
After graduating from RTS with his MDiv in May 2017, Aaron was called to be an assistant pastor of men’s ministry and visitor integration at Hope. After serving the church in various roles, Aaron transitioned to the role of lead site pastor at Hope’s South End congregation in the spring of 2023. He loves helping people experience and grow in the full life Jesus came to give them, and he can’t believe he gets to do this for a living!
Aaron and Sarah have three children: May (2019), Banks (2021), and Sophia (2023).
Aaron has been influenced greatly by the pastors at Hope, Young Life, Wake Forest RUF, Tim Keller, John Piper, Eugene Peterson, Chuck DeGroat, Sinclair Ferguson, John Calvin, and many others.
In his free time, Aaron spends most of his time hanging out with his family and friends, playing basketball, doing CrossFit, reading, and listening to good podcasts and music.