Emily Hultquist
South End Women's ShepherdEmily Hultquist, South End Women’s Shepherd
Emily was raised in a small community in the foothills of Western North Carolina. She stayed close to the mountains, attending Appalachian State for college and Western Carolina University for graduate school where she studied Communication Sciences and Disorders. She was ready for a move to the “big city” of Charlotte in 2016, and she quickly found Hope as her church home. In 2017 she met her husband Matt at a Discovering Hope membership class, and they married in 2018.
While growing up in a Christian home, Emily learned foundational truths about Jesus, but the Gospel came to life for her after college while attending a PCA church in Asheville. The Lord used that teaching and seasons of struggle to establish a deep and abiding love in Emily’s heart. Other influences on her faith and story include Bible Study Fellowship, Tim Keller, the teaching and community of Hope, the Barnabas Center, and Dan Allender.
Emily and Matt have two young boys, Jack (Nov 2019) and James (Dec 2021), who bring a lot of joy (and noise) to the family. In addition to busy days of outside play, reading, or building couch forts, Emily enjoys cooking, walks with friends, reading books without pictures, and exploring Charlotte with Matt.