Lead Site Pastor

Job Description

Hope’s Lead Site Pastors provide pastoral leadership and care to a particular Hope congregation. The Site Pastors cast vision, implement Hope’s philosophy of ministry, develop leaders, and lead their congregation through preaching and teaching, personal pastoral care, and leading various leadership teams and meetings. Site Pastors work collaboratively with the rest of the pastoral staff while also exercising a large degree of freedom to contextualize Hope’s mission and vision within their congregation. Site pastors work closely with Ministry Directors to assess health and needs within specific ministry areas. Site pastors report directly to the Session.

Core Responsibilities

  1. Personal Spiritual Health
    Build rhythms of rest and spiritual input into your schedule to cultivate deepening spiritual health and growth. Include regular mentoring, counseling, and/or spiritual direction in your calendar.
  2. Preaching and Teaching
    Serve as the primary Sunday morning preacher for their congregation. Schedule other preachers from within Hope or Hope’s broader network to fill the pulpit at least once a month. Help other preachers implement Hope’s philosophy of applying the gospel to ourselves first and then to the congregation.
    Create additional teaching contexts such as Bible studies and seminars to address particular needs within the congregation, provide opportunities for others to develop teaching gifts, and model Hope’s generous complementarian view of men and women co-laboring.
  3. Develop and Lead Ministry Teams
    Develop leaders to serve as elders, deacons, women’s shepherds, mercy team members, Community Group leaders, and other key leadership roles. Relationally prioritize these leaders and potential leaders so that gospel health flows from the leadership outward. Provide on-going care and support for men and women in these roles.
    Lead their Congregational Care Commission. Personally lead or oversee the leadership of congregation-specific ministry teams.
    Develop systems and leadership teams to facilitate outreach, integration, discipleship, and leader development within their congregation. Site pastors and elders will discern which of these areas require the most focus and effort at a given time to accommodate different demographics and seasons within each congregation.
  4. Shepherding Oversight
    Lead their congregation’s elders in shepherding the congregation as a whole and individual shepherding situations arising within the congregation.
  5. Personal Evangelism
    Intentionally carve out time to pursue personal outreach and evangelism relationships.
  6. Collaboration within the Larger Church
    Participate in Church/Mission-wide ministry efforts including identifying church planting, mercy, missions, and outreach partners. Share best practices across congregations. Collaborate on the continual refinement of Hope’s mission, vision, and philosophy of ministry. Use unique areas of passion and gifting to benefit the whole church.
    Actively engage in session meetings as a voting member if an associate or a guest if an assistant pastor.
    Engage with personal vulnerability within the staff and work to further Hope’s team-culture and grace-centered leadership community.
  7. Presbytery Involvement
    Be an active member of presbytery and the denomination to serve and help shape the culture of each.

Core Competencies

A Winsome, Gospel Character

Willingness to Lead with Vulnerability and Personal Repentance

Ability to Communicate the Gospel in Preaching and Teaching

Ability to Cast Vision and Build Teams

Ability to Engage in Healthy Conflict Management

Ability to Coach and Supervise Others

Required Competencies

Must be ordained or ordainable in the PCA

Relational Evangelism Experience that has resulted in Conversion Fruit

Christ Centered Approach to Preaching and Philosophy of Ministry reflected in Keller’s Center Church

A Leadership Style of Personal Humility and Repentance as reflected in Leading With a Limp by Allender

Agree with the Barnabas Model for Change The Barnabas Model of Change

Agree with Hope’s approach to Generous Complementarianism

A Clean Background Check upon hire

Preferred Competencies

A Willingness to Equip Lay People for Kingdom cultural engagement as reflected in Every Good Endeavor by Keller or Exiles on Mission by Wolters

To Apply

If interested please send the following to Elizabeth King, Secretary of Hope’s Lead Site Pastor Search Committee at elizabethking214@gmail.com :

  1. A PCA Ministerial Data Form
  2. A recorded sermon (preferably video)
  3. A list of three references who have
    1. Worked under you
    2. Worked alongside you
    3. Supervised you