Sunday Song Lists, 1.12.25 Olde Providence Site Come
“You see, the most serious money problem anyone could have is not debt; it is worship…You and I will never use money the way it was meant to be used, and we will never break disastrous money habits if we are not living in light of the fact that life is not about us.” – Paul David Tripp, Redeeming Money
WORSHIP IN SONG :: Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery
Come behold the wondrous myst’ry in the dawning of the King
He the theme of heaven’s praises, robed in frail humanity
In our longing, in our darkness; now the light of life has come
Look to Christ who condescended and took on flesh to ransom us
Come behold the wondrous myst’ry He the perfect Son of Man
In His living in His suff’ring; never trace, nor stain of sin
See the true and better Adam come to save the hell-bound man
Christ the great and sure fulfillment of the law in Him we stand
Come behold the wondrous myst’ry Christ the Lord upon the tree
In the stead of ruined sinners Hangs the Lamb in victory
See the price of our redemption, see the Father’s plan unfold
Bringing many sons to glory; grace unmeasured, love untold
Come behold the wondrous myst’ry Slain by death, the God of life
But no grave could e’er re – strain Him Praise the Lord, He is alive
What a foretaste of deliv’rance, how unwavering our hope
Christ in power resurrected As we will be when He comes
CORPORATE PRAYER :: The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen.
OP :: Proverbs 3:9 (Redeeming The Power of Money)
SE :: Proverbs 3:1-3, 9-10 (How To Become Wealthy)
- Posted in Worship