Seeking Connection: with Jesus – with our own hearts – with each other
The Women’s Ministry at Hope is about connection. We love being together, which hopefully will include some version of laughing, crying, learning and celebrating. We strive to point women toward their union with Jesus through a deep connection with their own hearts and with each other. We help facilitate Gospel-centered mentor relationships, discipleship training, Bible studies, and social gatherings in hopes that women in our church community can better know and care for one another and for our city. We have various fun connecting events throughout the year. Whether it’s dinner parties, retreats, seminars or other fellowship opportunities, please make sure you keep an eye on Hope’s social media accounts and on Hope’s mailing list so you won’t miss out.
Hope Women’s Ministry Structure 
There are currently four part-time women’s ministry staff positions at Hope. Jen Guzi directs the Women’s Ministry for all sites, with a focus on women’s leadership development. Alex Whitaker coordinates women’s ministry with our South End congregation, Stephanie Ham coordinates women’s ministry with our Old Providence congregation, and Laura Moore coordinates women’s ministry with our Cotswold congregation. Our Women’s Shepherding Team oversees the women’s ministry at Hope and is comprised of women from each Hope site. These women are appointed by the Session and trained by Hope staff and elders to serve alongside the Session in shepherding women at Hope.